
4 Reasons Why Delta-8 THC Is An Appetite Stimulant?

Delta-8 THC, also known as Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol, is a psychotropic substance found in the Cannabis Sativa plant. This cannabinoid is found in numerous CBD products, industrial hemp, and marijuana. Also, it is one of the rarest cannabinoids as it is not found in significant amounts in the cannabis plant. 

Moreover, it is an isomer of Delta-9 THC, meaning it has a different arrangement of molecules and atoms. Those who find marijuana overwhelming due to paranoia and anxiety enjoy the mellow ride of Delta-8. Delta-8 THC is sometimes also referred to as Delta-8 or D8, and these terms are often used interchangeably. 

Benefits Of Delta-8 THC

Before going further, let us find out some of the benefits of Delta-8 THC

Helps To Relax Naturally

The National Cancer Institute has found that Delta-8 THC has anxiolytic effects, which generally help to reduce anxiety. Delta-8 THC users have stated that the use of the cannabinoid leads them to a mellow state; they feel effects such as happiness, uplifting, euphoria. Studies also reveal that it can also be helpful for those who have insomnia. 

Helps To Improve Brain Health

Scientists have been studying the positive effects of Delta-8 THC for a while as it has potent neuroprotective properties. The use of Delta-8 THC increases the levels of choline and acetylcholine, which is quite helpful in the treatment of degenerative mental health conditions. 

Delta-8 THC: An Appetite Stimulant

It also acts as an effective antiemetic, pain reliever, and many more. Delta-8 THC has some weight and appetite benefits as well. We all know that a healthy weight is generally associated with a longer lifespan and low risks of diseases.

A 2004 study on Delta-8 THC revealed its effect on mice’s cognitive function, food intake, and neurotransmitters. Rodents who were given Delta-8 THC ate quite more than those who were given Delta-9 THC. You won’t believe that the D8 group of mice actually lost weight. The study suggests that cannabis consumers generally have a lower BMI or Body Mass Index than those who don’t use cannabis. 

Both Delta-8 THC and Delta-9 THC have different properties, but the following points will explain why Delta-8 THC increases the appetite, reducing body weight. 

  • CB1 receptors are located in the central nervous system of the body, and it connects with Delta-8 THC in the endocannabinoid system. These receptors play a significant role in metabolism, food intake, and nausea. 
  • The cannabinoid also promotes a healthy gut microbiome which leads to a healthy weight. 
  • Obesity and overactivity in ECS are generally correlated; cannabinoids such as Delta-8 THC block CB1 receptors, reducing ECS activity and bringing the bodyweight on track. 
  • We all know that cannabis products help in reducing body pain, stress, and inflammation which make people quite active. There is also a theory that the better you feel, the more active you become. 

Several studies also found that Delta-8 THC has a significant amount of norepinephrine levels which regulates energy metabolism (the ability of the body to turn food into energy). 

To read more about Delta-8 THC and its benefits, don’t forget to visit the Delta-8-PCC-Vials website. 


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